In Memory

Tommy Leopold

Tommy Leopold

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05/09/14 01:52 PM #1    

Bill Brock

My Main Man,
All is so surreal right now. I find comfort in the absence of your pain and suffering. I find joy in the many friends who visited with you weekly, and who stood by you in prayer for the past few years. But I have found nothing that will fill the void left by the absence of your laughter.
I wish you were here to read the messages Katy & Megan have posted about their Uncle Tommy. Our whole family is feeling the loss of My Main Man.
Thank you for fifty years of adventures and laughter.
I love you, my friend.

"To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die."

06/24/15 04:08 PM #2    

Doug Wright

I still cannot believe you are gone. You were always there for your friends and espically for Scotty, Brock, and myself. There is a big void that no one else can fill. You knew how to be a friend, a golfing buddy, a very successful business man, and someone all of us that counted you as a friend could count on in the good times and the bad.You held us together with phone calls just at the right time just to check on us. Many of the best times in my life were shared by you and me. I've called you my closest friend many times in the past 40 plus years. But, as someone said at your memorial service - you had several people you called your best friend and they know who they are. You will be missed by all your friends,your children, and your widow. I know you will be waiting for us when our time comes.

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