San Antonio Winston Churchill High School
Class Of 1970
Michael Sanderson
Residing In: | Streetman, TX USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Vicki |
Occupation: | Attorney |
Children: | Kelly (daughter) Born 1987 Married and Attorney in Houston |
Kind of involved to go into given my limited typing skills. I will be glad to make full disclosure at the reunion. Interests are Racquetball, the Cowboys, Lifting Weights, Chess and my family-not in that order.
I think we were called The Chargers and there was a girl named Laura Hill and a lot of homework. Other than that, I assume I have repressed it.
OK due to several snide comments about the lack of effort evident from my original profile above, I will peck out a little more. After high school, went to SMU, joined a fraternity (ATO), met a girl who I dated exclusively beginning late freshman year,graduated in 1974 with highest honors-Political Science (could there be a more useless major?). I then went to law school at UT, married the aforementioned girl (primarily because she followed me to UT, had a smokin body and everyone else was getting married-more on the end result of that lack of in depth analysis later) and graduated in 1977 with honors. Went back to Dallas and joined Locke Purnell Boren Laney & Neely and have stayed there the whole time through 4 mergers (now, Locke Lord -out of control big). Figured out my due diligence was a bit lacking on the aforementioned girl and rectified that decision in 1983 with a divorce (major trauma but no kids, so doable). Made partner in 1984 and met the person that saved my life-Vicki- to whom I've been married for 31 years. A truly great person and the love of my life (then a speech teacher and now a motivational speaker). Then had Kelly,lots of great adventure vacations,bought some lakefront property on Richland Chambers lake where I built a boat house for the toys and bought an old RV we could drive on to the lot on weekends and avoid sleeping on the ground in a tent. Then built a big lake house there and sold the RV. That's all I know.
Michael's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Mar 07, 2021 at 2:32 PM
Mike Gill passed away on March 3 after a long struggle with MS. Mike was one of my closest friends in High School-one of the self proclaimed Four Horsemen (Gary Shepherd, John Ecterhoff and me completed the set).Mike was a unique guy and a lot of fun. We lost touch for many years and got back in contact on a regular basis after, and because of, our last Churchill reunion. He will be missed.
Posted on: Jan 15, 2017 at 3:33 AM
Posted on: Oct 12, 2015 at 5:12 PM
Oh, and a special thanks to Pam Petrich for saving the day in providing the slide show (and working all day in the hotel room to do so).
It was great weekend and was really fun seeing everyone. I don't think we can thank the Committee enough for (again) stepping up to the plate and making it happen. It's easy to write a check, but that alone does not get it done. I had a proper toast prepared for you guys on the Committee and I'm sorry I missed the microphone portion of the evening (what can I say? I've always been a sucker for a pretty girl in distress), but I'm sure you'll come through with flying colors again, so I'll just save it until the next time. Except for the missing jello shots, I think you guys nailed it on both nights.
Posted on: May 29, 2015 at 6:45 AM
Looking forward to seeing you again-always one of my favorites
Substitute Laura and Laruel for Cheryl above and that School Story was mine too.
Posted on: Jul 06, 2014 at 8:15 PM
looks like you are trying to replicate The Waltons. Well on your way. BTW I note that you have misspelled your own last name- that's got to be a little embarrassing.
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